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Wesley Associates of Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary

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Qualifying Gifts

As of July 1, 2023, 445 individuals and couples have made a planned gift commitment to Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, thus qualifying for membership as Wesley Associates. Through their generosity the Wesley Associates ensure that Garrett-Evangelical will continue to be a strong and vital educational institution.

Garrett-Evangelical was founded with a planned gift from Eliza Garrett in 1853, and planned gifts have built much of the seminary's current endowment. Garrett-Evangelical is deeply grateful for these visionary leaders.

The Rev. and Mrs. Wayne* Abdella
Mrs. Helen Ackerson
Rev. Dennis* and Mrs. Barbara Adams
Mrs. Jane Affeldt
Mr. George R. Affeldt
The Rev. Pegg Ainslie*
Mrs. Connie Albertus
Dr. Frances Alguire
Drs. Jana* and Gabriel Almeida
Drs. Philip and Elaine Amerson
The Rev. and Mrs. William J.* Amundsen
Mrs. Catherine M. Amundsen
Chaplain Jennifer Anderson*
Dr. Cheryl Anderson
Mrs. Nancy Louise Anderson
Mr. Donald and Mrs. Loryn Ankeny
Dr. and Mrs. Homer U.* Ashby, Jr.
Ms. Janet Ayers
Mr. Thomas J. Borst and Ms. Beth Babbitt
Mrs. Mary Babler
The Rev. and Mrs. Thomas E.* Babler
Ms. Dolores Baird
Rev. and Mrs. Don Baker*
The Hon. John G. and Mrs. Peggy Baker
Revs. Debra G.* and Gary* Ball-Kilbourne
Ms. Mary A. Balson
Dr. and Mrs. Albert L.* Banwart
The Rev. and Mrs. Bruce A.* Bartel
Mr. Clifford O. Bath, Jr.
The Rev. and Mrs. Roger T.* Becker
Rev. Beth O. Benham*
Mrs. Joan M. Benner*
The Rev. Suzanne D. Bennett*
Rev. James R. Bentley*
The Rev. Frank Berman*
Rev. Judith Best*
Rev. Christine A. Bethke*
Rev.Eugene D. Beye*
Rev. Beverly K.* Johnson-Biehr
Rev. Christal Mae Bindrich*
Mr. George Blankenship
Dr. and Mrs. E. Doyle* Blanton
The Rev. and Mrs. Donald P.* Blinn, Jr.
Pastor Wilmer Bloy*
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Blue
Ms. Jacki* and Mr. Michael Bogolia
Mrs. Dorothy Bondurant
Dr. Juel Pate Borders-Benson
The Rev. and Mrs. J. Roger* Bourland
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Boyce
Rev. Clyde T.* and Mrs. Carleen Boyer
The Rev. and Mrs. Myles T.* Bradley
Mrs. Joan Bradley
Dr. and Mrs. Donald D.* Bredthauer
Dr. Rick J. Brewer*
Rev. Drs. James S.* Brewer and Carol* Roettmer Brewer
Dr. Richard S. Brooks*
Dr. Gennifer J. Brooks
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley C.* Brown
Mrs. Ruth Brown
Mrs. Mary Brownfield
Mrs. Dorothy Bryan
Ms. Dorothea Buck
Rev. Dr. Judith M. Bunyi
Dr. and Mrs. J. Robert* Burkhart
Rev. Jon Steven* and Lee Burris
The Rev. Sue Burwell*
Mrs. Carol Butler*
Rev. and Mrs. David* Butler
Rev. Mary Beth Byrne
Mr. Walter Calhoun
The Rev. and Mrs. Robert E.* Call
Mr. Larry and Rev. Bonnie Campbell*
Mrs. Joan Campbell
Revs. Toni L.* and Scott D. Carmer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Carpenter
Mr. Samuel Carter*
Rev. Gloria Cavil*
Mrs. Mary Helen Cederholm
Rev. and Mrs. James I.* Clark, III
The Rev. and Mrs. Jerry A.* Cline
Rev. Jeff* and Mrs. Heather* Clinger
Dr. J. Edwin Coates*
The Rev. Michelle A. Cobb*
Rev. Ted Colescott*
Robert M. Collins Trust
Rev. Harold P. Cooper*
Mr. Paul Cooper
The Rev. Carol Cory*
Dr. Angela Cowser
Dr. Holly Craig
Rev. Volina D. Cross*
Ms. Lucille Cummings
The Rev. Pat Cunningham*
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Curless
The Rev. and Mrs. Jim* Current
Mrs. Isobel Cutlip
Rev. Jane D. Daniels*
Mrs. Barbara Decker
Rev. Alan W. DeGraw*
Dr. Laura Delaplain*
Mrs. Jeannine Denton
Rev. Barbara Derrick*
Ms. Patricia Tarziers Deuser
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R.* Docking
Mrs. Marion Mott-Dodge
Rev. John L.* and Mrs. Vicky Dodson
Mr. Jim Dooley
Rev. Bonnie E. Draeger*
Dr. John A. Drees
Ms. Anne Driscoll
Mrs. Sharon Dubbeldam
Mr. Paul H. Dude*
Ms. Katharine Duke
The Rev. and Mrs. Ken* Dunnington
Ms. Mary Louise Dutcher
The Rev. Kim Eanes*
Mrs. Jewell Perkins Eanes* and Mr. James A. Eanes
Rev. Gregory J. Eaton*
Rev. and Mrs. Leonard* Eberhart
Rev. Jane S. Eesley*
Ms. Rosalie May Eiler
Ms. Ora M. Elder
Mrs. Bonnie Falk
Mr. Bill and The Rev. Linda J.* Farmer-Lewis
Mrs. Mary Jane Ferrell
Mrs. Fran Ferrill
Rev. John C. Ferris*
Mrs. Marian Filbrandt
Mrs. Helen Findley
Mrs. Regina Fineran
Ms. Sally Firestone
Mrs. Marlene Fischer
Dr. Neal and Mrs. Lilalee Fisher
Mr. Randy Fleming
Mrs. Rose Fox*
Rev. Darryl P. Franklin*
Mr. David Fricke
Mrs. Betty J. Fry
Dr. Dan Gangler*
Rev. Dwight L. Ganzel*
The Rev. Beverly E. Gaska*
Rev. Edward* and Mrs. Jo Geleske
The Rev. Anne A. Geschwindner*
The Rev. Carl E. Gilbreath*
Dr. Rodney Gist*
The Rev. David Gladstone*
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Golembiewski
Rev. Nancy R. Gordon*
Ms. Jane Granzow*
Virginia Gravel
Rev. and Mrs. Robert* Griffin
Mrs. Muriel Griffin
Rev. Thomas H. Griffith* and Mrs. Marlene Paddit-Griffith
The Rev. and Mrs. Robert C.* Grigereit
Mrs. Carolyn Grigereit
Ms. M. Lyn Griggs
Mr. George Groves
Mrs. Barbara Grulke
Mrs. Barbara Gurtler
Pastor Paul A. Gutknecht*
Mrs. Dot Hager
The Rev. Dr. Emily Haight*
Dr. and Mrs. Adolf* Hansen
Mrs. Naomi Hansen
Rev. Harlene Harden*
Mr. and Mrs. Tem and Linda Harrier
The Rev. Gerry R. Harrison*
Dr. and Mrs. David V. Harsh*
Mrs. Ann Harsh
The Rev. and Mrs. Drew* Hart
Rev. Heather Hasto*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hatfield
Revs. Stan and Mary Louise* Haxton
Dr. and Mrs. David L. Heetland
Mrs. Kathy Heetland
Dr. Dan Henry
The Rev. and Mrs. David B.* Herr
Mrs. Mary Anne Herrick
Mr. Jerome J. Benes and Ms. Nancy K. Herts
Ms. Sylvia Herzog
Mrs. June Hess
The Rev. Patricia Hinker*
Mrs. JoAnn Hoadley Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hoekstra
Ms. Charlotte Hoffmann*
Rev. and Mrs. Edward J.* Holland
Dr. Pamela Holliman*
The Rev. and Mrs. Hyeon* Sik Hong
Dr. and Mrs. James Hook
Dr. Estella B. Horning*
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald K. Hornung
The Rev. Linda A. Horrell*
Mrs. Locky Horst
Ms. Karla Hulbert
Mr. Doug and Mrs. Chrys Hyde
The Rev. and Mrs. Jim L.* Hynes
Mrs. Bernadine Hynes
Rev. Phillip Icenogle*
Dr. and Mrs. Roger W.* Ireson
Dr. Barbara Isaacs*
Mr. Forrest Janes
Rev. Gay A. Jeffery*
Mrs. Beverly E. Job
The Rev. Carol J. Johns*
The Rev. Deborah M. Johnson*
The Rev. J. Donald Johnson*
Rev. Donald W. Joiner*
Rev. Dr. Margaret* and Dr. Jack Jones
The Rev. and Mrs. Haksun* Joo
Ms. Beverly Judge*
Dr. Dwight Judy
Rev. Jennifer Jue*
Rev. Paul T. Jump*
Bishop and Mrs. Jonathan* Keaton
The Rev. James G. Kellermann* and Mrs. Polly Strosahl
The Rev. Patricia Anne Kelley*
Rev. L. Michael* and Mrs. Michelle Kelley
The Rev. and Mrs. Joseph* Kenaston
Mr. and Mrs. George Kilbourne
Mrs. Sara King
The Rev. Kimberly Dawn Kinsey*
Rev. Kimberlee Klaus*
Mr. Richard Klaus
Dr. and Mrs. Philip* Klinger
The Rev. Lynn K.* and Mrs. Vida Kollath
The Rev. and Mrs. Myron M.* Kottke
Dr. Alan J. Krauss*
Mrs. Martha R. Kuhlman*
The Rev. Jeff K. Kunkel*
The Rev. Carolyn Kuntz*
Mr. Fred LaBree
Mr. Duane Lahti*
Dr. Everett L. Laning*
The Rev. Marilyn E. Lansberry*
Ms. Susan E. Latham
Mrs. Orpha Laurie
Mrs. Ernestine Lawler
The Rev. and Mrs. Garth* Leigh
Mr. G. Stephen Lewis
Mr. John Paul Leyda
The Revs. Philip* and Mary-Lee* Lint
Ms. Ann Littleton
The Rev. and Mrs. Gary A.* Lueck
Dr. Mel Luetchens*
Lt. Col. William J. Lundquist
Rev. Kent* and Rev. Dr. Marti* Lundy
Rev. Janet M. Lutz*
Rev. Chester* and Mrs. Marcia Mahan
Rev. and Mrs. Paul* Mallory
Mrs. Kathy Mallory
Rev. and Mrs. Jesse F.* Manering
Rev. Beverly Marshall-Goodell* and Mr. Kim L. Goodell
Mr. John P. Martin
The Rev. and Mrs. Paul J.* Marzahn
Mrs. Mildred Mason
Rev. Gene Matthews*
The Rev. and Mrs. David E.* McBride
The Rev. William P. McBride*
Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael McBride
The Rev. and Mrs. James* McChesney
The Rev. and Mrs. L. Robert* McClean
Rev. Mary G. McKinney*
Mrs. Carol McNally
Rev. J. Jeffrey Means* and Mrs. Diane Glass
Mr. Dick and Mrs. Deidra Meese
The Rev. and Mrs. Roger H.* Mentzer
Mrs. Helen Merkle
Mr. and Mrs. John Merrill
The Rev. and Mrs. Duane* Mevis
Mrs. Carol Mevis
Mr. and Mrs. David C.* Meyer
Dr. Patricia Ann* and Mr. Robert C. Meyers
Rev. Michael Miller*
The Rev. Barbara S.* Miller
The Rev. and Mrs. Craig R.* Miller
Mr. Clayton C. Miller
Mrs. Margie Miller
The Rev. Linda Foster Momsen* and Mr. Bruce Momsen
Rev. Kathleen Rae Moore*
The Rev. George Moore*
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Morgan
Dr. James F. Morin*
Pamela Kay Mount
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L.* Mowery
Mrs. Janet Mowery
Ms. Lou Jean Moyer
Rev. John Mueller Nowell* and Mrs. Kyle MacKenzie Nowell
Dr. Larry and Dr. Jean Murphy
Mrs. Joanne Mushrush
Bishop Fritz Mutti*
Mr. Robert L. Naas
Mrs. Patricia Naylor
Mr. Steven P. Nestler*
Mrs. Mary Lou New
Rev. and Mrs. David Newhouse*
Rev. and Mrs. Eldon* Nolte
Rev. Douglas* and Mrs. Eleanor Norris
Mrs. Eleanor Norris
Ms. Becky North
Rev. John Mueller Nowell and Mrs. Kyle MacKenzie Nowell
Rev. Diane C. Olson*
Mr. John G. Olson
Mrs. Barbara Olson
Mrs. Arleen Ortman
Dr. Mary Jo Osterman*
Bishop Donald A. Ott*
Rev. Susan Ott-Holland* and Mr. James Holland
Bishop and Mrs. Bruce* Ough
The Rev. and Mrs. B. Gordon* Packard
The Rev. Gerald Parker* and Dr. Holly Craig
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Roger A.* Parks
Mrs. Beverly Parks
Mrs. Karilyn Parrott
The Rev. and Mrs. Richard A.* Peacock
The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. E. Stephen* Perry
Mr. Charles and Mrs. Paulette Peters
Mrs. Jean Peterson
Mr. Dennis Petrick
Rev. Thomas R. Petty*
Rev. Lois B. Phelps*
Mr. Robert K. Phillips
Mrs. Roberta J. Pohl
The Rev. Steven E. Poole* and Mrs. Joyce Schulte
Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Powers
The Rev. Michelle R. Prentice-Leslie*
The Rev. and Mrs. Stuart I.* Price
Mrs. Penny Price
Mrs. Frances Priest
Ms. Joretta Eppley Purdue*
Dr. Gary B. Putnam* and Ms. Gillian Murphy
Mrs. Vivian Quam
Bishop Sharon Zimmerman Rader* & Dr. Blaine Rader
Mrs. Marilyn J. Rahn*
Mrs. Mariann Randle
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ravenscroft
Rev. Victoria Rebeck*
Rev. Kirk Reed* and Dr. Shelley Reed
Mr. Richard and Mrs. Sharon Renk
Rev. and Mrs. Ronald D.* Retherford
The Revs. Kevin* and Marjorie Rice Myers*
Rev. Joyce A. Rich*
The Revs. Joe* and Linda Anne* Richard
The Rev. Roger G. Richards*
The Rev. and Mrs. Donald E.* Richards
Mrs. Lee Ann Richards
Mrs. Mary Ann Rick
Mrs. Carol Ridgway
Mark and Debra* Rogers
The Rev. Janet L. Roy* and Mr. Francis Pearsall
Mrs. Freda A. Ruleman
Ms. Patricia M. Rust
Mrs. Irene Teiko Saito*
Mrs. Jane Salin
Mr. and Mrs. John Sampson
Mrs. Kay Sather
The Rev. and Mrs. David A.* Schrader
The Rev. John L. Schreiber*
Mrs. Nancy E. Schroeder
Rev and Mrs. G. Keith* Schroerlucke
Mrs. Sandra Schuldt
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Scott
Mr. George and Mrs. Joan Sercl
The Rev. and Mrs. John J.* Shaffer
Mrs. Barbara Shaffer*
Rev. Elaine L. Shelby*
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Shepherd
Dr. Beth M. Sheppard and Dr. Andy Sheppard
Dr. Andy Sheppard
The Rev. David E. Simmons*
Mrs. Donna Simmons
The Rev. Paul J. Simpkins*
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Slaughter*
Mrs. Jeane Smay
The Rev. and Mrs. Richard K.* Smith
The Rev. Tompsie K. Smith* and Ms. Beth Gehringer
Rev. Kim Crawley Smith* and Mr. Paul Smith
Mrs. Dorothy Smith
Ms. Michelle Smith-Scott
Mrs. Sue Sonner
Mrs. Dorothy Sorensen
Dr. Donald Sorenson*
Mr. Kyle and Mrs. Alice Spitzer
The Rev. and Mrs. Edmund B.* Stanton
Mr. Edmund and Mrs. Blythe Stanton
Mr. and Mrs. Jerre L. Stead
Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Steele
Ms. Shirley F. Stewart
Dr. Keith* and Mrs. Carol Striggow
Mrs. Nicole E. Stritzel*
Mrs. Shirley Struchen
Ms. Deb K. Sturm
Mrs. Bernice Styberg
Dr. Nadine M. Swahnberg*
Dr. and Mrs. Rolla C. Swanson*
The Rev. and Mrs. Myron Talcott
Rev. Helen G. Taylor
Mrs. Phyllis Tholin
The Rev. Frank E. Thompson*
Mr. Wendel L. Thompson
The Rev. William B. Tomlinson*
Mr. Joseph B. Trecek
Ms. Mary Trimble
Mrs. Donna Truran
Rev. Arthur R. Turner*
Mr. James L. Turner
Ms. Judy Ulmer
Dr. and Mrs. E. Paul Unger*
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A.* Unkenholz
Mrs. Patricia Unkenholz
The Rev. Donald Utzman*
Dr. Daniel Van Haften
The Rev. and Mrs. Douglas W.* Vernon
Dr. Dwight W. Vogel*
Mrs. Mary Vogt
Mr. Bruce Walkup
Ms. Marilyn K. Walsh
Mrs. Jessica Walsworth
Rev. and Mrs. Jiali* Wang
The Rev. and Mrs. David S.* Warren
Mrs. Hope Warren
The Rev. Rodney J. Warstler*
Rev. Jenny R. Weber*
Mr. Wayne amd Mrs. Virginia Weber
The Rev. and Mrs. R. LaVere* Webster
The Rev. and Mrs. Gilbert A.* Weisshaar
Mrs. Eleanor Weisshaar
Mrs. Marcia Wells
Rev. Karen* and Mr. Vincent Wheat
The Rev. and Mrs. Herbert R.* White
The Rev. and Mrs. George A.* White
Mrs. Ann B. White
Mr. William F. White
Rev. Lou Whitmer*
Rev. and Mrs. Peary A.* Wilson
Mrs. Eileen Wilson
The Rev. Marsha* and Mr. Chuck Woolley
Mrs. Mary Yennie
Dr. and Mrs. K. K.* Yeo
Mr. and Mrs. David Young
Mrs. Julia Young
Rev. Dr. Mary* and Dr. James Zajac
The Rev. and Mrs. Richard* Zeck
Rev. Steve Zekoff* and Rev. Jane Follmer Zekoff
Dr. J. Keith Zimmerman*

*Alumni/ae of Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary

If you have included the seminary in your will or if you would like more information on becoming a Wesley Associate, contact David Heetland, Senior Vice President for Planned Giving, at [email protected] or by phone at 847.866.3970.

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